Personal Finance is about our own way of handling money. It is personal and not many people want to openly talk about it. I know I won't. But you and I realized that money is very important. And usually, because of money, people end up in a big mess. Well, that's why people says that money is the root of evil. But it don't have to be that way. Like any other things, money need to be learn and practices. It is what the school is lacking, no formal education of how to handling money. Therefore it is very important for we to learn about it. Money is about rich and being poor. Being and becoming rich is not all about a lot of money we making, but it is more about how we handling more. This is what personal finance is teaches us.
But you have to remember this....
Managing money requires more skill than making itRead more in here
and ....
Money is made more due to understanding rather than information.
Quote from Motilal Oswal
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